Since 1998 Franki Construct has been part of Willemen Groep, the largest family construction group in Belgium.
IFAPME Training Center - Perwez
Construction of a training center in Perwez...

Residential building and school -...
Construction of a building complex that...
Freinet school De kRing - Berchem
Building safely on a school site in use. That was our challenge in building a new primary school for the kRing. With a detailed plan of action explaining our safe way of working on and around the school site, we were able to convince the client to allow us to build this school.
The project consists of the new construction of a complete primary school of about 2,900 m² with outdoor space:
- Green roof with small educational vegetable gardens.
- Complete finishing and all techniques.
- Infrastructure: 2 playgrounds, one of which is covered.
- The green covering of the building also serves as fall protection for the schoolchildren.
Watch the timelapse video.
08/04/2014 - 17:15
Project Details
Uitbreidingstraat 251, Berchem, Antwerpen, Belgium
GO! Onderwijs van de Vlaamse Gemeenschap
End User
Freinetschool "de kRing"
Areal Architecten
Engineering Office
Concreet (stabiliteit), Atlas Building Engineering (technieken en EPB)
Surface area above ground
2 900m²
Construction period
1 year 7 months
Start work
End of work